Because this service was recorded outside, we encountered a series of technical issues which degraded the video and audio capture. We appologize for the poor quality. The audio will be intermittent for the first 15 minutes or so but should stablize after that.

At the turn of the last century, there was an emergence and cultivation of New Thought societies that included Religious Science, Christian Science, Divine Science, and Unity. The inspiration behind each of these spiritual movements was a perceived miraculous healing. In the case of Unity, co-founder, Myrtle Fillmore was given 2 months to live because of advanced tuberculosis. Yet despite her prognosis, she developed and applied spiritual principles that became Unity. By practicing and holding to her beliefs, she healed herself and ended up living another 46 years.

Our month-long focus on health and healing will conclude with a lesson about the principles Unity uses for healing and health. These spiritual practices do not produce miraculous cures. Instead, they offer a straightforward approach which helps you to align your thoughts and prayers to support healing.

Join Reverend Dennis Ashley this Sunday for a lesson about aligning your thoughts to support your path toward wholeness and perfection.

Our ensemble features The Unity Choir Singers. They will be accompanied by LeeAnn Aerlyn-Moore, Jim Turner, and Dagan Williamson. Julie Croteau is our Choir Director.