Every religion has practices it believes in when it comes to restoring health. For example, a huge part of Christianity deals with ways of healing in times of illness and injury. Sikhism, Sufism, Taoism, and Buddhism also have their own sacred practices to restore health.

One healing practice used in Christianity is “Abiding in God's Love.” A starting point is paying attention to how your thoughts, words, and actions line up with God’s definition of love. Learning how to pull it off and how it helps bring back a healthy state in your mind and body is the central premise of this Sunday’s message. 

Join Reverend Dennis Ashley this Sunday for a lesson on how to use God’s Love to affect your own healing.

Our ensemble features Redhawk and Edie Rice-Saue. They will be accompanied by LeeAnn Aerlyn-Moore. Julie Croteau will be our Song Leader.