Like everyone, you are on a spectacular spiritual journey that defies easy description. Walking this pathway jolts you awake, shaking you out of your heavy slumber. If you pay attention, you will notice that at the outset of your brand-new journey, you transition from chaos to the natural order of the cosmos, which propels you toward your destination. As you delve deeper into your spiritual experience, it becomes clear that moving from a sense of meaninglessness to meaning is only natural. Discovering a profound sense of purpose isn’t always straightforward, but as you persist, it gradually settles into your soul. Your journey leads you away from projection and toward authentic understanding. Every church, every spiritual quest, should enable you to grasp and feel this once-in-a-lifetime journey of your soul.

Join Reverend Dennis Ashley this Sunday for a lesson exploring the journey you take along your spiritually transformative path.

Our ensemble is S.O.U.L. featuring Gwen Gathercoal, Patty Ashley and Laura Wineteer. They will be accompanied by Paul Gathercoal.