Upcoming Guest Speakers

Here is a look at what is coming up on our Sunday Service Schedule.
March 22 | Susie Weller

A message about how your grief can become a portal to your sacred calling.

More about Susie

March 30 | Steve Croteau

A unique audio production that connects you to your essence through vibration and rhythm.

More about Steve

April 6 | Virginia Taft

A message that explores how you can achieve your own happiness and share it with a contentious world.   

More about Virginia

We Offer a Positive Path for Spiritual Living.

Unity is a positive, practical, progressive approach to Christianity based on the teachings of Jesus and the power of prayer. Unity Honors the universal truths in all religions and respects each individual's right to choose a spiritual path. 

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We Embrace Spiritual Action

In Unity, we feel a sacred responsibility, individually and collectively, to make a positive difference through personal examples and active service in our spiritual center, our community, and our world.

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We Honor Human Diversity

We believe that all people are created with sacred worth. Therefore, we recognize the importance of serving all people in spiritually and emotionally caring ways.

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