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Present:  Roye Ely, Donna Hodge, Dennis Ashley, Tami Savage, Ginny Taft, Trish DuToit
Absent: Donna Smith
Cheryl Kirby has resigned

Meeting was called to order and opened with prayer at 6:10.

I.   It was moved and seconded to accept the minutes as amended.  Motion passed.

Ii.  Minister’s report (attached)

III.  Committee reports

A.  Finance Committee Report:
October’s income was $2,000 below expenses for October. Tami delineated why we are so far behind budget including fund raising that didn’t happen, and a myriad of expenses that were not budgeted for.  The Finance Committee is looking at how to reinvest the savings account which is now at Vanguard but which needs to be taken out and reinvested when our name changes.  Options would include an annuity, CD’s, or back into a mutual fund.  

B.  Governance Committee
There are a couple of people who have voiced interest in being on the board and they are waiting for the application to be ready.  A poll of current members shows that of the current board, only one person is sure they are going to run again.  This means that there are possibly three or four openings.  Half of the people who run and are appointed to the board will have a one-year term and the other half would have a two-year term.  Jennifer James has graciously consented to work on our policy and procedure manual. 

IV.  Old Business

A.  Merger report.  The lawyer sent a copy of her changes to our ByLaws for us to review, modify, and approve.  She also sent a copy of the Merger Statement which we need to review and approve.  It will then go to the Secretary of State who will then approve the name change.  

B. Christmas fundraising.  We do not have a specific fundraising event but are planning community connection classes which will be after church on Sundays in the next several months.  Ginny and Todd are planning a Family Heritage class in January.

C. Safety committee meeting.  Roye, Kay and Mayte met and drew up safety protocols for fire, medical emergency and armed intruders.  They will be included in the policies and procedures.  There are some items that need to purchased, and there is staff training needed.  The CDA fire Marshall is doing a walk through of the church next week to give advise on placement of fire extinguishers and smoke alarms. 

V.  New Business

A. A member of the congregation has offered to make a new stand for our sign on the corner of 15th and Hoffman.  He was asked to provide a cost estimate for it and hasn’t done so yet.  We will address it when we get the cost.

B. Minister’s evaluation.  Roye will get an evaluation form together based on the minister’s job description.  It will be given to the board and staff so that the evaluation can be done at the next board meeting. A overview of the results will be available for the annual meeting.  

C. Dennis is suggesting that we put together a volunteer appreciation dinner in January.  Tami volunteers to spearhead that.  Date is set for Jan. 27

D. Next board meeting is December 13 at noon.  January’s meeting is scheduled for Jan. 10 at noon. 

Meeting was adjourned at 7: 55.

Action items:

1. Tami will find out from Jerilyn if there is a plan to send an Intentional Giving letter out to the congregation.
2. Donna Hodge will prepare a large thermometer as a visual aid to keep track of the Intentional Giving pledges.
3. Roye will revise the old board application and give to Jerilyn to hand out for potential board members
4. All Board members will read the Merger statement and email any suggested changes to Roye by Wednesday evening.  Donna H and Roye will make themselves available to sign the revised version at the lawyers' office so that it can get sent to Idaho Secretary of State
5. Ginny will get the survey results posted on the hallway bulletin board
6. Roye will create a performance appraisal form from Dennis’ job description and get it to board members in the next two weeks so that the appraisal can be done at the Dec. meeting.
7. All Board members will read over the suggested ByLaws and send suggestions for changes to Roye who will forward them to the lawyer