Sheryl Kirby, Donna Hodge, Ginny Taft, Trish DuToit, Dennis Ashley, Roye Ely, Tami Savage, and Donna Smith.
The meeting was called to order at 6:22 with prayer.
Minutes from May were approved as corrected. Motion was made, seconded and carried
Finance Committee Report
- Despite making budget, our expenses exceeded our income. The shortfall was taken 50% out of each church’s reserve fund. Congregation will be informed with the thermometer method this week.
- Coffee made money this month. Donna S will send a thank you to Lloyd Hodge.
- Tami and Cheryl will start working on planning the Spiritual Fair, which is scheduled for Aug. 27.
Minister’s Report
- We are participating in Pride in the Park.
- Eleven volunteers have signed up Community BBQ on Aug 25.
- Classes have started to bring in income and there are more classes planned
- Attendance has averaged around 100/Sunday
- Margaret Walmer has agreed to be the Volunteer Coordinator, there aremultiple ministry teams who all have chairs now.
- Announcements are in the overheads, in the bulletin and from the pulpit. Hopefully this will increase people’s attention to them.
- Check out our Facebook page, Patty Ashley is posting on it regularly
- We are going to do a better job of advertising potlucks
Old Business
- Turkeys and more. Trish, who is on their board, reported that they will be distributed from our building on the Saturday before Thanksgiving. UCSG will be needing volunteers for that.
- We need to get volunteers for the Governance Committee. We will consider who in the congregation might be appropriate and ask them.
- Pay for musicians: we need to clarify who is getting paid what. Dennis will talk to Gwen and get her input in how to make sure it is equitable.
- The issue of our carpet was brought up, ours is getting old. Trish offered to get some bids for carpet, but we may need to wait for a major expenditure until after the merger is complete. She will bring any information she has to the next board meeting.
New Business
- We need more volunteers or staff in the technology dept.
- Lighting outside to improve safety while leaving the building. Will see if James can do anything about it.
- We will see if our “free” worker is able to do some of the needed grounds work without having to pay the landscaper we had hired.
- Fire extinguisher: we need to make sure we have one and that it is new and usable. Dennis will ask Jerilyn to make sure ours is updated.
Next Meeting
- Next meeting will be July 15 at 6:15.
- August meeting will be August 23 at 6:15
The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 pm.