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The Power of Vulnerability

Brené Brown is an American academic, researcher, storyteller, and author. She is best known for her work on vulnerability, courage, shame, and empathy. Brown holds the Huffington Foundation Endowed Chair at the University of Houston's Graduate College of Social Work and is a visiting professor at the University of Texas at Austin McCombs School of Business. She gained widespread recognition after her 2010 TEDx talk, "The Power of Vulnerability," which has been viewed millions of times.

"The Power of Vulnerability," delves into the importance of embracing vulnerability to foster connection, creativity, and authenticity in our lives. She shares her personal journey and research findings on how vulnerability can lead to a more fulfilling and meaningful life. It is a powerful reminder that vulnerability is not a weakness, but a strength that enables us to live more fully and authentically.

Join us this Sunday for Brené Brown’s 2010 TEDx talk, "The Power of Vulnerability," to hear how embracing vulnerability can help you to cultivate a richer, more connected life. Because we are presenting copyrighted material, we will be unable to stream this service.

Our ensemble features vocals by Julie Croteau and Debbie Raby. They will be accompanied by LeeAnn Aerlyn-Moore, and Jim Turner.