When you say, ‘Oh, I see how it is,’ you are saying that you see the truth. You somehow can look past the appearances that have been used as a veil, and now you can grasp what is real. That is a huge part of your journey. Your pathways are designed to teach you to see past the illusions that have been set up to prevent you from seeing the truth. This truth is the reality of your soul, and your relationship to the Spirit of God that flows throughout the universe. Of course, the ironic twist to this is that you have designed so many of the illusions yourself! That’s what Jesus, the Buddha, and Lao Tsu all referred to when they said that the truth will set you free.

Join Reverend Dennis Ashley this Sunday for a lesson distinguishing your social self from your essential self, and how they interact to reveal your deepest, most personal truth.

Our ensemble features vocals by Julie Croteau. She will be accompanied by LeeAnn Aerlyn-Moore, Jim Turner, and Dagan Williamson.