
The video recording (at the top of this page) captures the complete service including a 10-minute prelude. 

The audio recording (below the video clip) is an abbreviation of the service. It includes the Meditation, Lesson and Featured Song.

December 15 is the third Sunday of Advent. It is devoted to the theme of Love. With only ten days until Christmas, the third week of Advent is a reminder that love is what Christmas is all about. Imagine Love as a bridge to God. When you peer over the bridge you view the clear water below while breathing the fresh air and taking in the beauty of the abundant trees, flowers, and animals around you. When you love a little more, this bridge strengthens and grows. By building and crossing it, you expand the love within you. By traveling this bridge to God, you become accustomed to using it. The Bridge to God is the journey and the destination all wrapped up in one.

Join Reverend Dennis Ashley this Sunday for a lesson about how to use love to build your bridge to God.

You can join us in person or online this Sunday at 10 AM.

Our ensemble features vocals by Patty Ashley, Julie Croteau, Debbie Raby, and Laura Wineteer. They will be accompanied by LeeAnn Aerlyn-Moore.