In his foundational text on Western philosophy called Metaphysics, Aristotle wrote that “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.” His observation applies to all things including your own journey of personal growth and self-improvement. In other words, there is more to you than your experiences, relationships, successes and failures. These aspects of living are certainly critical “parts” of who you are, but there is more to be revealed. Using prayer, meditation, worship, volunteering, and kindness practices bring this newfound quality forward in your life. It awaits in your spiritual consciousness, and it yearns to be set free. The process of bringing it forward is known as emergence.

Join Reverend Dennis Ashley this Sunday for a lesson about emergence and how understanding who you say you are can move mountains and change the world.

Our ensemble features vocals by Julie Croteau. She will be accompanied by LeeAnn Aerlyn-Moore, Jim Turner, and Dagan Williamson.