American psychologist and spiritual teacher Ram Dass said that “your problem is you are too busy holding on to your unworthiness.” As a result, you struggle to see the spiritual pathways that lie in front of you. This is because your sense of unworthiness clouds your spiritual vision. In other words, it blocks your view of what will take you closer to God, i.e., closer to your Wholeness. Moreover, this belief in your unworthiness leaves you feeling isolated and empty. Yet, the irony is you are the Expression-of-God-in-Action and because that's who and what you are, you have the power to let go of your unworthiness and reclaim your true identity. By doing so your soul will soar. Plus, removing this veil from your senses allows your Spirit to tap into the energy of All That Is.

Join Reverend Dennis Ashley this Sunday, for a lesson about reclaiming your worthiness.

Our ensemble features vocals by Julie Croteau and Debbie Raby. They will be accompanied by Rita Huber.