You are on a mystical trip in this extraordinary life. As you live it and lean into it, you learn to reveal yourself and share who you are with others. Otherwise, if you hold yourself back and refuse to open yourself up to others your spiritual evolution can be restricted. Often, as you seek to discover the nature of your own soul, you confuse symbols with reality. In addition, you may choose not to reveal certain thoughts or behaviors to others because you fear showing ‘that’ part of you. But, as it turns out, nothing is more frightful—and yet more freeing—than the truth. As Jesus the Christ, said over 2000 years ago—"the truth will make you free.”

Join Reverend Dennis Ashley this Sunday for a lesson looking at what it means to reveal or hide your true self.

Our ensemble features vocals by the Unity Choir Singer. They will be led by Julie Croteau and accompanied by LeeAnn Aerlyn-Moore.