There is a gentle but never-ending flow throughout the world. We can call it God or All That Is or Yahweh or the Alpha and Omega. Whatever we name it, that flow is the source of all existence, the First Cause of all experiences. It is nature and the natural order of things, but at the same time it is so much more.

We are each on a spiritual journey, seeking to feel this flow of life--experience it and let it become a part of us. It is our soul and our spirit, yet we can hardly believe that it is a central part of us. We think we are separate from this touch of God, but we're not.

On Sunday, Reverend Dennis will talk about this extraordinary flow of life, and how to let it guide us. We are eager to feel the draw of the Spirit of God Within--experience it and let it become a part of us, so that it guides us in this life. Because we know that when it becomes a more conscious part of us, it will guide us simply and gently.  This pathway is the principle of integrity, of being who we are without the slightest bit of pretense. On Sunday at 10:00 am let's learn even more about this state of harmony with the natural order of the Great I AM. Let's learn more about how to go within and practice the Presence of God.   We will see you then!

Join Reverend Dennis Ashley this Sunday for a lesson about this extraordinary flow of life, and how to let it guide us.

Our music ensemble features the Unity Choir Singers. They will be accompanied by LeeAnn Aerlyn-Moore. Julie Croteau is Choir Director.