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Mark Kreilkamp is a retired Psychiatric Social Worker and musician who lives in Spokane.  He became involved with the Dance of Universal Peace (DUP) 25 years ago after seeing a flier on a local church bulletin board. Initially, he enjoyed participating in the dances and playing guitar in support of them. Eventually, he became a certified dance leader and now serves as an organizer and leader of the dances at Unity Spiritual Center Spokane. (DUP) are a beautiful practice aimed at fostering harmony and spiritual connection through sacred communal dance.

Join Mark Kreilkamp this Sunday to learn about Dances of Universal Peace and experience the joy and connection that these dances offer.

You can join us in person or online.

Our ensemble includes Julie Croteau and Laura Wineteer on vocals with Mark Kreilkamp on guitar and vocals, and LeeAnn Aerlynn-Moore on piano and vocals.